Jul 16, 2021
8 mins read
It’s easy to set up an IDS or other infrastructure to drop packets that match rules. There are many tools for real-time inspection of connections that can handle higher level protocols like HTTP or TLS.
Jul 7, 2021
6 mins read
This aims to explain and perform an example of how the Client-Puzzle-Protocol (CPP) may be implemented (almost) entirely in HTTP.
Jun 23, 2021
10 mins read
Let’s build the smallest WASM / GBA ROM / 7Zip polyglot in 584 bytes for the Binary Golf Grand Prix 2021.
Mar 27, 2021
3 mins read
In early 2017, @ericlaw wrote a blog post titled The Line of Death. The general premise is that there is some inherent user trust of any content that appears above the browser window and that considerations must be taken to ensure that browsers can not be manipulated to easily betray this trust.
Mar 3, 2021
9 mins read
Earlier this month, I came back around to seriously considering an attempt at bitsquatting. While the prior link goes into great depth on the topic, I will attempt to give a very high level overview here:
Feb 12, 2021
7 mins read
I’ve been doing weekly chaos engineering projects for a while now, so I decided to start a blog. A sort of dumping ground for all the things I do.